Driving across Canada in the middle of winter sounds a lot more
crazy once you are a few days into the journey and your car decides to overheat
when it is 35 below zero and you are an hour and a half drive from any sort of town.
But aside from that hiccup of a story, the journey was more uneventful than it could have
We started out our venture on a hopeful
note. Travis meticulously packed the jeep full with two months of
supplies for us to live in a hotel, emergency travel supplies, things mover's
could not move (mostly a couple boxes of homemade wine, some ammo, etc.) and enough space for
human-sized-Schrodinger and also large-cat-sized-Roxi to comfortably ride.
Travis loading up the jeep |
My morning sickness
even appeared to be easing up for the second trimester. Spoiler alert, we were
very wrong. I'm apparently not that lucky. For example, on Valentine's morning
when everyone was inundating Facebook with, "#bestguyever pretty
flowers/candy/jewelry #loveday" posts I was all,
"#I-will-not-make-it-the-10-footsteps-to-the-bathroom, Travis, please
bring me a trashcan with much haste." I recovered enough for a reindeer dinner
and presents but I did miss out on tacos and cupcakes for lunch. It was pretty
pathetic. But back to the whole travel thing. I'll break it down by days.
Day 1: The first day the drive was pretty nice. The weather was
still mild, there wasn’t much snow on the roads. and we saw some decent scenery. The border crossing was very simple, probably
because they didn’t want to deal with a car search after seeing a loud,
overeager mastiff try and wedge himself out the driver’s side window after launching all the way up from the trunk across the luggage in the back seats.
Dinger liked to wedge himself in those few inches between suitcases and car ceiling. |
Roxi hated it back there. |
I freaked out for a moment while driving when the jeep began slowing to a stop for no apparent reason even after I put the gas pedal to the floor. Travis figures one of us must have bumped the shifter since it never happened again and no alarms went off . He made fun of me a bit but I swear...something did happen, I didn't imagine it. This day was one of our 2 long days at 11 hours or so of driving. We also discovered that it was an…experience…to spend the night in a hotel with both dogs.
Some of the prettier part of our drive in BC. |
A gigantic lake in BC. |
Day 2: Another 11 hour day, but luckily this was the last of our long days. It began to snow. All day it was
kind of nasty and gross and I began to become concerned. But it never worsened unbearably and we made
it well onto the Cassier highway, the portion Travis was most concerned about. There
was also a rather alarming road sign warning women not to hitchhike because of
the highway 16 killer….okaaaay…pleasant.
This was the clearest it ever was on day 2 |
All the bridges were one lane metal grate bridges, neat but kinda scary. |
The beginning of the Cassier Highway. |
When we got to the inn we’d made a reservation at, the place
looked kind of deserted. Travis went to check us in after a search for the front door.
When Travis came back out, he said, “Let’s unload the car and leave the dogs in
the car until that guy goes back to sleep in a minute." Then he told me about the
conversation as we unloaded the car. Apparently, the inn manager man was asleep
and came out in his pajamas once Travis found the office. The guy also had no memory of our reservation
or that we’d be bringing dogs, even though Travis had talked to him the week
before. Since, no one else was staying there so it wasn’t a problem. Travis said a
little toy sized dog was in the office and after Travis mentioned our two dogs,
the inn manager said, “Oh, about that size?” pointing to his dog. Travis
glossed that over with, “One is about that size and the other is a little
bigger.” A slight understatement but at that point, we had nowhere
else to go and Travis knew we’d be staying in our own cabin and the inn manager would be
in his separate house. Odd, but we shrugged it off and moved on.
We had a beautiful view from the cabin in the morning. |
Day 3: This was our short
day, only a 6 hour drive so we got to sleep in until 8, which was awesome. This
day was not very eventful until the evening. I think this was the first day we saw
some moose and also some caribou.
Saw these caribou right after a "Watch for caribou sign." |
Caribou butt close up. |
I think we got to the Alcan sometime this day. But it is all one big blur of a car ride. |
At some point we entered the Yukon. Then dipped back into BC. Then came back to the Yukon. |
It began to get colder and colder all day. Once we got to our next hotel, it was about 20 below zero. Dinger had never been in weather this cold
before but didn’t seem all that bothered, though he wasn’t exactly eager to
stay outside. Now Roxi has been this cold before and she hates it but she knows the routine for
outside. Usually we have booties for her
but we didn’t have good new ones yet. So she reverted to her normal coping
mechanism. It essentially is to get her business done as fast as possible while
on as few paws as possible. This usually means multiple trips outside, one for
number 1, one for number 2. Both trips gave us a good laugh. When Roxi pees in the cold, she usually balances
on one hind leg and one front leg then won’t move except to switch out legs after she is done. This time
she went to a new hilarious extreme and as soon as she finished, she shot both
front paws up in the air, it looked like she was being arrested or was really surprised or something. When she pooped, it was actually pretty impressive. She managed that feat balancing on only front legs. Obviously,
it isn’t actually just dramatic behavior in that kind of cold, so she gets always gets a pity carry
back inside at the end.
Roxi in new booties in Fairbanks. |
This is an incredible feat to accomplish. Trying to wrestle
booties on a Mastiff should be an Olympic event. |
The night at this third hotel was a miserable fiasco. Dinger barked and growled and wouldn't settle for hours. Roxi, on the other hand, was easy enough to shut up. We just shoved her
under the blankets at the foot of the bed and she was content and well behaved.
I think all she ever wants is to be warm and spoiled. Generally if allowed on
the bed, she is on good behavior, I think she thinks we will forget she is
there and she’ll be allowed there indefinitely. This is actually pretty
We tried everything to get Dinger to sleep. We tried locking him in the
bathroom, we tried turning on the bathroom fan, we try getting him to sleep right
next to the bed, we tried being soothing and nice, we tried being mean and
scolding, we tried ignoring and waiting it out. All for nothing; he kept
growling and barking. Finally, after one in the morning when we’d had no sleep
yet, we had an early day ahead of us, and I was quickly spiraling into a crying. hormonal, exhausted, and now hungry mess,
Travis remembered that we had Benadryl with us.
He admits he was fully prepared to drug Dinger and I both to get some
sleep at this point. Thankfully, we had wi-fi to search for the correct dog
dosage. Travis fed Dinger a hot dog bun
filled with pills while I tried to calm down with a snack and a book. Truly, I’m
like a toddler again. Luckily, this settled everyone down, Travis only had to drug one of his companions, and we got all got a few
hours of sleep.
Day 4: When we woke up for the 8 hour day, it was cold….35
below. The jeep was not pleased about
this and wouldn't start for a bit, even after being plugged in all night. Then it threw
some alarming errors for while it warmed up. All
seemed fine after the car warmed up for a while. I do think Travis jinxed us though. A U-Haul had been limped in from a good distance
away with a completely destroyed tire. Everyone in the gas station/hotel office
was trying to figure out how to get help and parts out for the guy. As we pull away discussing our rough car
start and night, Travis says, “It could be worse, at least we aren't that guy.”
About an hour and a half later as we are driving along (still -35
outside), I hear an alarm go off and Travis makes a pained face that doesn't
bode well. We are overheating. Not a
problem I expected to run into, honestly. We were about an hour and a half
drive away from a town in either direction.
So we continued onward at a slower pace while blasting the heat in the
car. This becomes a little ridiculous as we trundle along, and I have to leave
my window cracked open several inches for the car to be a bearable temperature. The whole time I contemplate the fact that one of my first acts as a parent is to trek across the treacherous remote wilderness in the dead of winter. I spend some time reflecting on what this says about my mothering instincts.
When we did finally reach the next stop, we
found some locals to chat about our problem. Travis had checked for leaks since
he assumed the cold had cracked a hose and we just didn't have antifreeze. Turns out, our antifreeze was turning to slush
and not circulating fully. So the friendly locals found us a trash bag to put
over the front grill and block some airflow. This got us the rest of the way to
We stayed at Destruction Bay on our last night on the road. It was
uneventful as Dinger was again given Benadryl for the sake of everyone’s sanity. I should mention the other
big problem with Dinger in cars; getting him in and out but especially out.
Travis and I generally open the trunk door slowly while both awkwardly
squatting and attempting to block the dogs from leaping out of the car. Dinger
can’t just out of the car, he’s so big that it is likely he will hurt himself
or eventually cause joint problems. The most memorable leap out of the car
happened at Destruction Bay. He got away from us one day and got a terrifying limp for a while. This does not deter him from trying to leap out of the car though. This particular time we’d hardly
started opening the trunk when 130 pounds of mastiff comes flying from the car.
I don’t know how Travis managed it, but he gracefully caught Dinger in mid-air and
did this half twirl thing to land him gently on the ground. It was like they’d planned it.
Found this adorable Destruction Bay onsie |
First baby thing we bought! |
Here's an "artistic" shot taken one of the later mornings. I honestly don't remember exactly which morning. |
Day 5: This was our final 8
hour day to Fairbanks. We saw a lynx or bobcat by the side of the road. That was the most exciting thing of the day I think.
The area to the right and left is actually a huge lake a few hours from Fairbanks, this was another of the most memorable views. |
A random pretty scenery shot from who knows where, the mountains in Alaska are fantastic, and this Colorado girl knows mountains. |
Mountains completely blanketed in snow are also pretty darn stunning. |
The border crossing was different. After we drove through the Canadian border to leave Canada, we had about 20 miles to drive until the border crossing into Alaska. The actual border line was in between the two stations and was marked by a 20 foot clearing (10 feet on either side of the border).
That line in the middle is the border. |
I had one foot in each country to take this picture. |
Finally made it to Alaska! |
The last few hours were the worst, we were all so ready to get out of the car. Then we rather unceremoniously settled in to the hotel in Fairbanks for a long stay.
It was chilly when we got here. |
So we made it safely and without major disaster. We even hopefully have found a house already, as long
as all goes well with closing. That process will still take long enough
to keep us living in the hotel room for, oh, another month and a half or so.
We're at an extended stay hotel, but it is pretty miserable around here.
We are in a pretty standard size hotel room with a tiny kitchen area. With two
adults, a human sized dog, and a small dog, space is limited to say the least,
especially with dog kennels in here too. We have an armchair (but just one) and
a desk with office chairs that stands in for the kitchen table. But we have to
keep the coffee maker and toaster on said table since the outlet by the kitchen
area doesn't work. And the kitchen area is a tiny counter with some cupboards a
fridge, stove tops and microwave. We've also concluded we have no control
over the thermastat. You'd think this would lead to a lot of freezing
cold, but it has been HOT. I'm talking up to 80 degrees in the room hot.
Probably contributing to this is running our humidifier constantly but it is so
dry, we don't really have a choice. There is also a strip club across the street. I
could go on, but I should probably stop ranting and move on to other topics.
I've just started to look more pregnant.
Still an "I can still easily hide it" size, but if you know me and
I'm wearing something tight, you can tell what’s up. My abdomen basically feels
all swollen like I drank a whole six pack of beer by myself, yet I can still be hungry.
It is weird. I've already started the stereotypical hands on the
belly/belly rubbing thing. However, it doesn't feel like I look adorably
pregnant or anything yet while I do this. Mostly I feel like I must look more
like I’m Gollum, contemplating eating Bilbo, “Well, it if loses, precious, then
we eats it! If Baggins loses, we eats it whole!” And actually, Gollum is a
surprisingly good representation of what it is probably like to live with me
right now. There’s a good quote that could
adequately describe my feelings about every situation from when Travis eats one of
my candy bars (no matter if we have 10 of them stocked up) to when Roxi
scratches me while cuddling, or Dinger flicks a drool string at me: “Wicked.
Tricksy. False. We ought to wring his filthy little neck. Kill him! Kill him!
Kill them both!” It doesn't even feel like an overreaction. Travis may have reason to be seriously concerned
if I start rubbing by baby bump and hissing, “My precioussss.”
Best 15 week bump selfie I could take. I'm generally afflicted by resting bitch face syndrome and all the time crazy eyes syndrome, so selfies are a challenge. But luckily my hair is finally starting to grow out. And the pink is sticking around impressively. |
Also, I’m definitely getting dumber. Pregnancy brain is very real.
I tried to walk the dogs in slippers the other day. Travis will ask me to do
something and I’ll cheerfully say, “Sure, no problem,” Then I’ll proceed to do
exactly the opposite or entirely forget what he asked me to do not two seconds later.
And the insomnia. Ugh. When I do sleep, I have crazy dreams, lots of them. The
other day I dreamed Roxi morphed halfway into a pelican (picture a griffin or
centaur like creature; Roxi body with a pelican head and wings) who liked to
attack and attempt to eat my hands. But luckily she could be distracted by
throwing rocks or socks. Then I dreamed Dinger ate my hands off. Every single
dream is random and vivid like this now. And apparently I also have a subconscious phobia of my dogs eating my hands.
That’s all the news here. Hopefully the next post is about a
new house!