Baby size: Peppercorn or BB pellet sized, little still!
Morning sickness: Already kicking in. The general hungover feeling started on and off a few days ago and I already puked once.
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing specific really, I'm trying to continue enjoying food while that lasts still.
Other symptom: I'm hungry. A lot. Unless I'm nauseous. It is weird. Also I definitely have to pee all the damn time. And for the first time, I feel like that pregnancy glow thing is a thing. I just feel like my cheeks look like I'm wearing blush or something. I just feel like I look pretty which is a nice perk. If I'm going to feel like crap, at least I don't look like it.
Weight gain: As far as I know, nothing but I haven't checked to be honest.
Sleep: Insomnia seems to be a pattern in pregnancy for me. Plus I've been sick and I'm trying to find a good pillow so my neck has been hurting, none of which helps things.
Mood: Grouchy and irritable. I think I'm mostly just stressed but I'm just kinda mehhhh.
Gender: Unknown, obviously. I intend to find out though, when I do genetic testing. So I should know by 10 weeks. This has always been one of the big pregnancy related "discussions" between me and Travis. But damn it, I've been waiting 9 months already for a baby and I have nearly that much more to go so I just want all the data I can collect now.
Lyra stats: I'm going to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the toddler years I don't think. Things are a bit more peaceful now that I caved and put her back in diapers but she's in a "I do it myself stage" and a mama's girl phase which is all a bit smothering to be honest. Not to say I don't still enjoy her tremendously, I'm just being honest, toddlers are tiny tyrannical devils. I have 2 great stories though. We went out to eat the other day and the waiter brought her a sucker at the end. Now, Lyra's grammar is a little unrefined and she phrases things with an extra "me" at the end or uses it instead of "my." For example, "I eat noodles me" or "Water bottle me." She's also not very good at the second syllable of words. "Wa" is water " "Ju" is juice, etc, etc. So when the waiter brought over a sucker, instead of saying, "My sucker," Lyra very excitedly screamed at her loudest volume, "SUCK ME!" The other funny Lyra moment of the week was while reading a book. There was a picture of a fox and I argued with her for about 5 minutes because she kept telling me it was a cat. Finally I gave up and said,"Fine, it's a cat. Look, Lyra, cat." She gave me a look of utter disgust, like I was the stupidest person she's ever met and said, "No, no, Mama. FOX." Sheesh. Also she can use chopsticks. Real chopsticks. I'm thoroughly impressed with her.
What I miss: Beer and wine. But not all that much honestly. And having as many shots of espresso as I want. I'm trying to keep my caffeine intake down to reasonable amounts. So only 1 or 2. Luckily, I have decaf for my new espresso machine.
Best moment this week: I was sick most of the week and hardly left the house. So honestly, probably it was the one play date we got to go to this week. Nothing cool happened related to pregnancy to be honest.
Looking forward to: That first ultrasound. Not that I get to have one next week, I still have 10 days but still, that's really the one thing I'm looking forward to right now.
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The closest I'm getting to a pre bump picture because frankly, I don't want to clean my mirror right now and if I wait until later, I'll forget. So whatever. |