I am 4 weeks exactly today and I don't think many symptoms are kicking in but it's hard to tell because I've been fairly sick. I think pregnancy bionic nose has turned on but I'm also super stuffy so that's the worst of both worlds. I had no idea how badly all the animals farting has been lately. Lyra is pretty bad too. I always know when it's her at least, she cracks up and says, "I toot me" every single time. I've felt kind of nauseous but I'm 97% sure that's just being sick. And I'm exhausted. But I'm not sleeping well because I can't breathe great laying down. And I'm up peeing at night again though and I'm pretty sure that's pregnancy.
I've been on a hardcore cleaning binge. Possibly a bit stress related but also a good deal related to being trapped in a house unable to see friends because germs. My bathrooms are cleaned, Lyra's room and all 568,539 toys have been organized, I'm caught up on dishes, ALL the laundry is done (I'm talking down to dog blankets and bathroom rugs), the guest room/office and laundry room are both fully organized (I've been meaning to finish those since we moved in almost 7 months ago). My electronic life is even organized. I had nearly 6,700 unread emails when I started that decluttering project (shameful, I know) but now everything unimportant is deleted and I'm mostly unsuscribed from all the lists I managed to get myself on. At this rate I won't have any nesting to do at the end.
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As you can see I have 6,611 unread emails and I am subscribed to 74 email lists. I have a problem. I actually debated just getting a new email address. |
Most importantly, there is hardly any glitter left in my house. There's a funny back story here that seems too amusing not to share. So a while back I saw this thing on the internet about glitter paint pictures. Basically rolling around in glitter paint and taking pictures. It looks really cool even if it sounds kooky. And somehow that led to me researching milk bath photos (also super cool, you fill a tub with water, add powdered milk and you get this neat opaque effect). And then I put 2 and 2 together and decided to make a milk bath, dump in a couple containers of glitter and get some artsy photos taken. Seemed like a perfectly logical decision at the time.
So I only got 2 modest sized containers, one silver, one gold, maybe 5 inches tall and 2 inches in diameter. I had to hold back from buying more and thank goodness I did. I've never seen so much glitter in my life. Travis had to vacuum the tub. After I swept it. My master bathroom carpet (terrible design decision that is at the top of our fix list) shimmers. Literally shimmers and sparkles. I couldn't get it off my body for 3 days. I left actual glitter trails. If I would have commited any crimes, you'd be able to follow the glitter trail back to me. Travis tried to ban me from rooms of the house and I'd hear him sigh whenever he discovered it was too late.
Still though. Best. Decision. Ever. The photos turned out all sparkly and shimmery and shiny. It was like being a mermaid model. I did indeed get cool artsy photos plus a nice ego boost because I looked pretty. My previous nickname of Skittles (thanks to the rainbow hair) has been replaced with Sparkles. At this point most of the house has been intensely decontaminated, but I estimate another week before there's no trace of glitter on the floor anywhere in the house. Plus the comic value of having a house full of glitter is worth the cleanup.
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The glitterpocalypse aftermath. Actual Twilight vampire status right here. |
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Frighteningly, 90% of the glitter has sunk to the bottom by this point. |
Now that my house is sparkly clean (haha), I have to admit my other project. This one came about after hearing about the false missile alarm in Hawaii and the less talked about false alarm in Japan several days later. I can hardly fathom being in that situation and reading accounts of people who were was horrifying to me. So I'm setting up my supplies in case of nuclear attack or general emergency requiring evacuation. The feedback I've received from those close to me has ranged from disdainful silence/eye-rolling (ahem....Travis) and "thats a bit on the tinfoil hat spectrum" and "oh yep, my boyfriend is one of those weirdos too, why do I even like either of you...." all the way to "that's a fantastic idea" chats with prepping tips and advice. Whatever though, to the haters, it's worth the peace of mind if there's ever even a false alarm. I would rather be prepared during a false alarm so I'm as calm and not panicked and as little traumatized as possible. And if anyone mocks me, guess who won't be getting to share my food and toilet paper come doomsday? You can't wipe your ass with sass, I always say. (That's a lie, I've never actually said that but I will from now on, you can bet on that.) I could envision this being me though, if I don't prepare ahead of time. "Oh I brought all these lip balms." And "I got contact solution! No contacts. Guess if we wanted to make slime, we good." I've seriously watched that video like 5 times. Ok, maybe 8. I find it inexplicably hilarious. So yeah, disaster prep, hardly the weirdest thing I've ever done. I mean, bigfoot showed up at my bridal shower and I took my 1 year old to a MUFON meeting so it's pretty standard really.
Back to business, I got a little distracted there, sorry. The one major setback recently, potty training. Not me, I still have that whole business figured out. Lyra though, not so much. We've been working on it for seriously at least 5 or 6 months. I'm so done. I kept at it for ages because she learned after like 3 days and hardly had accidents for 2 weeks. Then I guess she decided that was dumb so she was over it. And now I am over it. I'm tired of cleaning accidents several times a day and all the extra laundry. Or the extra pull ups all the time. It's actually less work to use and wash cloth diapers. So we are back to that for who knows how long. Oh well.
So that's that, not too much else to say, seeing as I've been writing with a lot more frequency the last little bit. I'm planning on starting up my more structured pregnancy blog update next week. But it could just be more rambling about glitter or nuclear apocalypse, guess we'll find out.