Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Captain's Log: Jovian Day 100 (AKA 6 weeks Earth Time)

How preggo I am: approximately 100 Jovian days. That's days on Jupiter in case you were wondering. I picked that because that's how long I feel like I've been pregnant and I'm only 6 weeks. I've known for just over 3 so that's part of why it feels like forever.

Baby size: Lady bug or Maine blueberry sized.

Morning sickness: Ughhhh. I've never been this sick, this early on in any of my pregnancies. I got to dry heave in the parking lot of Babies-R-Us the other day. Classic.

Food cravings/aversions: I can still eat bagels with cream cheese and sort of enjoy it. Even sushi sounds gross and that was my go to food with Lyra and it's my "I had too much tequila and I'm so hungover I could die" or stomach flu food. I'm weird I know, but it's true. So if sushi is off the menu, you know it's bad.

Other symptom: Sometimes my boobs hurt. Sometimes I think it's because I'm thinking about them and trying to decide if they hurt.

Weight gain: I know not.

Sleep: Insomnia still sometimes and lots of vivid weird dreams. And also I'm so tired. Just deeply down to the bone tired.

Mood: I'm so grouchy. And mean. I told my mother in law she is a terrible person. In my defense she was mean to me and my father in law agreed with me. And so did Travis. It was a very democratic insult and she has to like me right now anyway. She helps deliver babies for a living, I guarantee that's not the meanest thing a pregnant person has ever said to her. Also I got sick again, that makes 3 times this year (plus everyone else has been sick here too) and January still isn't even over. I'm currently deciding if I'm on the very tail end of it or if I'm getting sick yet again or if it's just pregnancy related. So just don't cross me right now, I'm not in the mood.

Gender: Unknown. I'm working on a post about my reasons for finding out early through.

Lyra stats: Well this happened today. So Lyra is 2.5 years old. She was standing still, holding onto one of those push walker toys meant for babies who are like, under a year and learning how to walk. Picture a baby walker, essentially. She wasn't running or doing anything weird, when suddenly she flips forward (I'm talking full front flip here) and lands right on her face on the wood floor. And then her neck bends all horrifying like while I rush the 4 feet over to her. By the time I decided I didn't need to call an ambulance she was already mad that I wouldn't let her stand and jump in her camp chair. Kids are awful. Also I can't for the life of me get her to stop eating her books. Probably a good 40% have big bites taken out of them. "I eat book, mama. I bite." Awesome.

What I miss: Enjoying life. I know I'm being melodramatic.  I'm glad I'm pregnant, I just feel awful physically.  I miss enjoying food.

Best moment this week: Ooh actually I have a really fun one this week. My birth story blog post is being published in a book this May! One of my birth photographer's friends is putting together a book. So I'm excited to see that. Here is the link to my original blog post and this is the link to the story on my birth photographers website but with photos and her words added as well. I adore that lady. If you need a birth photographer in Fairbanks, use her, but don't tell me or I'll be jealous.

Looking forward to: The ultrasound the day after tomorrow. I am equal parts excited to see the baby and hoping to get it over with so I can get that initial dose of anxiety finished with. I'm anxious that things won't be as they should but trying not to let it squash the joy.  In all likelihood, I'll go in, see a heartbeat and promptly resume worrying the next day. Motherhood in a nutshell.