Saturday, January 13, 2018

Preliminary Blood Test Results

First off, good news so far! The upshot is I got my first 2 blood results back and my midwife said things look good so far. Which should be enough info right there but I went deeper in researching and dwelling on the numbers because that's all I have right now. It is still so early that there isn't much to test and there's really no way to get any more feedback than this that things are ok. The baby is the size of a poppy seed so an ultrasound wouldn't show anything. This is why we are waiting until 6 weeks when hopefully the heart has started beating. And even then it can still stop later, as I know too well. But anyway the following is a glimpse into my overly analytical and anxious mind. I like math too much and am too creative in thinking up scenarios for my own good.

So the basics first. I am in the process of repeated blood tests to check the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is an indication of pregnancy and generally levels should double every 48 to 72 hours in a healthy pregnancy. The quantitative level matters to some degree but the doubling matters more. However, huge caveat here, levels can vary wildly. High numbers can be normal or they could mean multiple babies or molar pregnancies (I'll get to that later). The same goes for low results. Low can mean impending miscarriage or could result in a totally normal pregnancy. So essentially, it's biology 101, here's the "rule" and 42,197 exceptions. And This is where my overthinking and over researching gets me in trouble.

Because I'm a lunatic with no self control and I knew I was pregnant at 2 weeks and 6 days, or 2w6d,(I'm calling this 7 days post ovulation, or DPO, because I didn't track very well and its a bit of guess), my first blood test was at 3w0d. My hCG came was 38.2 mIU/ML. My next test was 2 days later (49 hours to be exact) at 3w2d and came back at 115.2 mIU/ML. The normal range for hCG during the 3rd week of pregnancy is 5-50 mIU/ML. So my results are in range for the first reading, above for the second, and they tripled in 49 hours.

Now because, and I cannot stress this enough, I have lost my damn mind, I made myself a little excel spreadsheet with potential scenarios. Side note, turns out  I miss using excel a lot. I'm not even embarrassed to say I find spreadsheets and data fun. If my levels continue to rise at this rate, by 4 weeks I will be at 3,094.2 mIU/ML. The range for 4 weeks is 50 to 500 or so as far as I can tell. Also different resources say different things which is unhelpful. And not much  data exists for this early on because not many people test this early. If my number only doubles every 48 hours from now on it will still be 687.6 mIU/ML. So I'm worried about multiples or molar pregnancies a bit.

I looked up the average for twin pregnancies and at 4 weeks and they vary even more wildly from source to source so I just got annoyed and stopped looking. Or rather kept gathering numbers and I still feel clueless and don't feel morally capable of reporting a number. Nonetheless, hCG tends to be higher with multiples but high hCG doesn't automatically mean it is multiples is the takeaway here.  I do know one person personally having twins who had a hCG test at 4w1d and hers was 551 mIU/ML. And again rational me popping in to just say it could be just normal. Normal, normal, normal. Plus, twins would just be two for one, twins wouldn't be bad. I'll take what I can get at this point. Just please, universe, no quadruplets.

The bad one would be molar pregnancy. I mean, a miscarriage would be bad. But I can handle/deal with that. I have before, I could again I just reallllly don't want to. Molar pregnancy is different. It is a genetic error that causes abnormal tissue growth in the uterus. Not to get too in depth but its not viable pregnancy and I'd potentially need a D&C. They can be precancerous and I wouldn't be able to get pregnant for a year afterwards. You are at a slightly higher risk if you've had multiple miscarriages. It only happens in 1 in 1,000 pregnancies but those odds seem more ominous when I think about the 1 in 4,000 to 1 in 10,000 chance of Turner's syndrome which was the cause of my last miscarriage. In any case, it isn't a serious worry yet, but I couldn't help but think of it. I know too much about pregnancy.

Now I do realize I'm overthinking and worrying but I can't help it. This is just what happens in my head sometime and I guarantee I'm not the only one to have thoughts like this. Jokes aside, I think I'm actually quite normal and probably even a good deal more upbeat and relaxed than other's in similar situations. Plus, I let it all out and now I feel better. In all likelihood, I'm pregnant with one single baby and my pregnancy will be uneventful. And generally, I really believe that and am doing pretty well about it all. But, I'm still going to check what I can. Next blood test will hopefully bring me more reassurance and it really won't be long until the 6 week date with the twat wand (aka the transvaginal ultrasound I'm getting too familiar with) when I get to see a heartbeat. Fingers crossed!

In other non pregnancy related news, Lyra seems to be done with napping. I'm still hoping shes just having a weird week or something but we are at day 3 with no nap. I'm not ready for that.

Also I got contact lenses! I can see again! I'm still going to keep part time/back-up glasses around but it's fun to not have to wear them again and to have decent vision back.

I'm also learning how to brew kombucha (fermented tea, it is delicious) and the Christmas espresso maker is already seeing heavy use.

Dinger is starting to tolerate the cat more. Cat seems sick of his freak outs and now very boldly strolls into the room when he's around. I think it may still take a few months but yesterday Cat cuddled on my lap and Dinger cuddled at my feet. 6 months of progress right there, he's just a slow learner. Roxi and Travis meanwhile, continue to be Roxi and Travis. And now I'm all caught up!