Thursday, January 11, 2018

Captain's Log: Day 20

Well hello again, I wish I was more consistent with posting. I won't bother with false promises of being better at that this year. 2017 was a rough one. But I made it out alive. I have one ex due date gone and past and I have one more sad one to go. That being said, I have a new due date to look forward to! September 26th.

I am currently 2 weeks and 6 days pregnant. New record for the earliest I've ever found out.  Stupid early. My period isn't due for 8 days. That's just ridiculous. I was tracking my periods but not my ovulation very well. So I know my start date well and maybe I ovulated early. In any case, this is the earliest I've ever heard it's possible to find out. Basically, I have no self control and this morning I woke up and my rational self said, "You should not pee on a test because that is a waste of time and a waste of a pregnancy test because you can't find out this early. You are mayyyyyybe 8 days post ovulation very optimistically. Realistically 7 days, maybe even only 6. And also you peed on a test yesterday and it was blank because its TOO EARLY, you crazy person." So naturally I ignored my rational self and impulsively peed on a pregnancy test. And shockingly, there were two lines. So I tried 2 more tests and I'm definitely pregnant.

I'm not surprised I'm pregnant this time, by the way, just surprised how early I know. Luckily for me, I get pregnant easily, it's just the staying pregnant I've struggled with the last year. My track record is 3 out of 5 months trying I've gotten pregnant. Plus that oopsies pregnancy a month I wasn't trying. So I guess more like 4 out of 6. I have a 66.7% success rate basically. But that's all just a sidenote because I like numbers. I think my little 3 month breather was a good decision. It was kind of a bummer but I needed a break from morning sickness and being worried. I feel much more optimistic again.

I'm more excited than I thought I'd be. I was nervous about trying so I thought I'd feel more mixed about a posutive test. If I let myself get nervous about another miscarriage, I'll dissolve into a puddle of anxiety and not be able to function so I'm not doing that. I don't know that I'll be able to really feel like this is happening until I can feel this kid kick and have some real time feedback that they're ok. So it will be last minute prep when it comes to the logistical things like a nursery so I don't jinx anything. Plus there's a lot less stuff we need for the second go around.

I'm planning on some extra testing this time to ease my anxiety about it. I'm contacting my midwife about blood testing to check hormone levels the next week or 2. Then I definitely don't think I can chill until I have an early ultrasound around 6 weeks to check for a heartbeat. I think that next stretch will be the worst. My missed miscarriage with Nova happened in between the 6 week ultrasound where we saw a heartbeat and the end of the first trimester around 13 weeks. So this time I'm getting the blood test for genetic screening that can be done at 9 weeks. And very likely I'll do the NT screening which is done between 11 and 14 weeks. Hopefully after that I can rest pretty easy with Doppler heartbeats at regular appointments, starting to feel movement, and the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. All that gives me test results to look forward to and check in on. Smaller chunks of waiting.

I plan on keeping y'all updated fairly frequently. Whether good or bad. I shared the news online in a few groups immediately. I have an old due date group and several of them said they've been thinking of me, which means a lot because it sucks feeling like life kicked you out of a club you really wanted to be in. I'm hoping I'll have some blood test results next week.  Wish me luck. Come on 2018, treat me better than 2017, pretty please.