Baby size: Wild strawberry, Pygmy seahorses, jelly bean sized. It's a little hard to visualise to be honest.
Morning sickness: The good news is I've been puking less. Still pretty constant nausea though which is not pleasant. I'm trying to drink an Ensure every morning before I get out of bed. Seems to help a teeny bit. But also I poured some all over my hair and in my ear one morning which was less than helpful.
Food cravings/aversions: Everything tastes awful with a few exceptions. I'm having trouble eating enough. It's this vicious cycle if I'm too hungry or too full I feel sick. But when I feel sick, I don't feel like eating.
Other symptom: I am still tired and having weird dreams. But nothing much else yet. My almost 5 week bout of viral illnesses is finally over. It's also crazy how different my pregnancies have all been. There hasn't been much in the way of bloat this time yet and that was never much of a problem with Lyra. The 2 miscarried pregnancies the bloat was awful. My boobs are starting to hurt this time but it's nowhere near as awful as the 3rd pregnancy. Though I was still nursing Lyra then so that may have contributed.
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My thus far non existent bump. Not even a bloat bump like last time. I'm smiling funny because I can't feel half of my upper lip in this picture. Woohoo for dental work. |
Weight gain: Nothing so far as I know.
Mood: Still somewhat grouchy but not as bad since I'm feeling a bit better physically.
Gender: Unknown. One week until I take the test. I think it's a boy. My reasoning is that 2 out of the last 3 were girls (I don't know about the other one though) and I was wrong in both those cases. Therefore, it's about time I had a boy and it's about time I guessed right. So it's a boy. That's my guess.
Lyra stats: She cracks me up. Yesterday she got up from nap, came to the doorway of my room where I was relaxing in bed, and stood there for a good five minutes. Farting. Refused to come in which was fine by me once I realized what she was up to. Also she's been successfully transferred sleeping from her carseat to bed in the evening twice. Literally this has never happened before. And she got a new haircut with bangs. I think she looks a little like Matilda.
What I miss: Really, all I miss still is not feeling sick And enjoying food.
Best moment this week: I dyed my hair pink! That was fun. I do have a worst moment for the week too. So yesterday was my last old due date. I was paranoid something would go wrong and just sad about it. Because I should have been having a baby today or soon or have a newborn already. Instead I'm still in the middle of morning sickness and I have a month to go before I get past the last point I miscarried. So anyway, I decided since the day was crappy already I'd schedule a dentist appointment. Not sure if that was the right call or not. I have some fairly severe dental anxiety/phobia, especially since getting my wisdom teeth out. Also, morning sickness and heightened gag reflex plus dental work is not my favorite combo. I told my dentist that I would rather give birth than do wisdom teeth again so I think he realized I was nervous. It wasn't the worst, it turns out. But they had to use a hell of a lot of anesthesia shots. We went the overly catious route at first and ended up using some of the slightly less gentle anesthesia because I was not taking chances after a while. The kicker? My cavities are in weird unpredictable not patterned places and I have great teeth otherwise. So the dentist says pregnancies are probably to blame becuase apparantly that's another thing in your body that children affect. But anyway, success, didn't puke on the dentist or have a public meltdown or whatever. The bar is low.
Looking forward to: I'm getting a fetal Doppler in the mail! One of my friends actually won it for me so I'm not turning that down. That will hopefully be reassuring in a few weeks once I figure out how to track down the baby's heartbeat.